
Biozoon GmbH

Biozoon GmbH was established in 2001 and currently employs 23 persons, among which are food technologist, engineers and food marketing experts. Biozoon is located in Bremerhaven at the centre of the Northern German food industry. The business concept is based on three pillars:

  • Providing advisory services to the food industry
  • Development and of food processes and products, protecting them by means of IPR and licensing
  • Development, production and sales of own products

The main activity comprises the development and production of innovative food products; here biozoon is market leader in the field of processed texturizers for the gastronomy, catering, canteen kitchen as well as for private consumers. All products are developed by biozoon itself and protected by respective IPR – trademark or patent. Another part of the business is the licensing of patents on products & processes. Currently biozoon holds a patent on a foam gel prepared in the micro wave and is involved in the patenting process of sugar reduced apple juice production which is the result of the European project LowJuice. In addition biozoon has the ownership of more than 40 trademarks.

Recently, the company started a new business area called smoothfood which focuses on products for the frail and elderly with difficulty in chewing and swallowing who live at home or in nursing facilities. The concept of smoothfood lies in preparing meals by means of using fresh food materials. The business strategy is to further develop new food products / ingredients and or improve the existing ones, by valorising innovative compounds obtained from natural sources, which makes this project an excellent opportunity to cope with this idea.

Role in the proposal:

The aim of Biozoon in this project consists in the development of protein enriched food products. Therefore biozoon takes the role of the end-user in the food-sector. Hence, the proteins and / or the other compounds will be transformed into powder formulations and at last incorporated into different texture modified food (smoothfood) matrices. Furthermore, the feasibility is analysed producing manually moulded smoothfood for elderly with chewing and swallowing disorders, but also additionally through a new technology, 3D printed food. Moreover, a quality assurance analysis of the new formulations will take place. Besides, biozoon will also have small roles in other tasks related to food developments.

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